Vanessa-Faye Stanley's 'Like-a-looks' sitcom will be live at Edinburgh Festival's Sitcom Trials

17th August 2016

Like-a-looks, UK Sitcom Trials Finalist

Like-a-looks, a sitcom starring and written by Vanessa-Faye Stanley and Kate Bowes Renna, live at Edinburgh Festival's Sitcom Trials, The Gilded Balloon, Tuesday 23rd August at 10.30pm.

Set in the drab office of a lookalike agency, the surreal world of Like-a-looks follows a highly-strung career woman and her hapless team as they try, by any means fair or foul, to create the greatest lookalike agency in the world.

Like-a-looks beat hundreds of entries across the UK to be in the Finals. The Sitcom Trials follows a fun, tight format. Each finalist does a ten-minute extract which ends on a cliff-hanger, and the audience votes on which cliff-hanger they want to see resolved. The winner will then go on to perform the final scene.

 Tickets £10 here: