Review: Idiots of Ants – This is WarThu Aug 13 2009 Tim Arhur Rating: ★★★★★It would be fair to say that most sketch shows are a bit hit and miss – inevitably you’ll like some skits but others will fall a little flat. It’s what’s commonly known in comedy as the rule of: ‘Oh Well You Can’t Win Them All.’ However, every now and then, normally once in a blue moon, a group will come along who are, in fact, the exception which proves the rule. Idiots of Ants are that exception.From the wonderful opening – a beautifully observed homage to World War 2 films, which implodes into a deconstructed discussion about the nature of performance – to the hi-octane and perfectly constructed climax of the show, it is a non-stop, balls out, tour de force.Immaculately performed by Andrew Spiers, Elliot Tiney, Benjamin Wilson and James Wrighton this is like a blue print for what a sketch show should look like. It’s fast-paced, endlessly creative and as exciting as waking up on Christmas morning knowing there’s a room full of presents downstairs with your name on them.The direction by Matt Holt and Lisa Spirling is faultless as are the sublime video clips directed by Ben Taylor. If you’re looking for an intelligent, smart, slick, inventive show delivered by performers at the peak of their games then look no further. Rock ‘n’ roll hysteria meets sharp and brilliant comedy – that’s one heady mix.
Time Out 5 Star review for Idiots of Ants which JBJ's Matt Holt Directed
12th August 2009