The Bubonic Play

12th January 2015

A unique comedy in which three idiots attempt to stage an epic. The Bubonic Play is the story of a maid, her master and a wandering minstrel caught in a tragic love triangle. It follows their journey across the plague-ravaged English Countryside in search of a cure for the disease. Lord George of Ponsonby is in love with his young maid Mathilde. She discovers a handsome minstrel bathing in the river and they run off together. Enraged, George vows revenge and sets off to intercept them. The story survives all assaults from the actors' need to be the audience's favourite. Love, songs, magical potions, deception, knife-fights, stampeding rats, Punch and Judy all feature before the play's dramatic climax. They die. All of them. One by one.Directed by Cal McCrystal, and both written and staring our very own Jamie Glassman & Clare Thomson's new feature premieres at the London Comedy Festival next Saturday 24th January.For full details on the production, head to