Suggs' One-Man Show has great reviews

8th December 2011

Madness frontman Suggs, has decided, at the tender age of 50, to put on a one-man show, inspired by the milestone birthday and the death of his beloved cat. Peppered with anecdotes and music, the show promises to be a revealing insight into the singer's 30-year career with the band.But he also talks about his personal life. From growing up as an only child in Camden, school days that inspired the song Baggy Trousers and the fact that he never knew his father who died in the mid-70s, just before Madness broke onto the London music scene.The show will run for two weeks in early December at The King's Head in Islington Show has had great reviews. Time Out says:It was impossible not to be charmed by this one man show which begins with the morning of his fiftieth birthday. Bringing elements of physical and musical comedy he takes you from his days skipping school and fighting rival gangs through to the dizzying heights of his '80s fame.Then, with the palpable sense of humour and endearing humility he maintains throughout, he delves in to his less successful show business ventures. This is not a show that merely satisfies the ardent Madness fans - his expert story telling gives a social-historical insight in to growing up in 1970s London, whisking you from his North London roots to the Shed End via Soho. Underpinning this autobiographical journey there's the emotionally touching account of the search for his absent father reaching far beyond a story of just fame and riches.His musical accompaniment comes in the form of his 'pianist-cum-man servent' who adds a delightful soundtrack with a few Madness classics and some extra surprises slotted in perfectly. The entire show verges on just the right side of nostalgia and sentimentality, culminating in a somewhat predictable but wholly welcome finale, which is worth the ticket price alone