Delete the Banjax are made up of writer/performers Caroline Jones, Daniel Cook, Gareth Cooper and Samuel Champion. These four have been together since 2008 and are already making a name for themselves - read some of their reviews below...Inventive ideas and cleverly written skits ...word is getting around about delete the banjax, so get along and see them now(★★★★CHORTLE)Ridiculously funny ...hilarious songs and fantastic improvisation ...each of the four actors brought a distinct and unique personality to the stage, loveable in their own way yet completely unpredictable and impulsive(★★★★★REMOTEGOAT)Subtly surreal, inventive sketch group ...The script is smart, too – think That Mitchell and Webb Look, only with better lines.(★★★★LONDON IS FUNNY)Hilarious ...genuinely an excellent show (2009)The cast are gifted a cultish gem it begins to gleam in the rough (2008) (★★★★THREE WEEKS)A knockabout, boisterously fun atmosphere ...they successfully freshen the sketch format(SCOTSMAN)A whirlwind of witty ideas ranging from the surreal to the topical(SPOONFED)
JBJ's newest signing - the wonderfully talented Delete the Banjax!
27th October 2009|Daniel Cook