I Spit on your Rave

22nd July 2009|Noel Fielding

Zombies, undead and rotting corpses, behold your leader!We’re very excited about this.Filming starts on Thursday 6th August at the Big Chill. From 7pm we’ll be filming the highlight of the zombie festival “The Running Feast”. This will be presided over by King of the Zombies, Noel Fielding and will be staged as a live event with music from Toddla T and other special guests. Captured humans will be released and chased through an obstacle course by hordes of hungry zombies. Will you be one of them??In order to take part you’ll need to be a Big Chill ticket holder and look like one of the undead. Once the entertainment area has openend up (around 3pm), you’ll only be able to get into the Open Air Stage field if you’re a zombie. There will be zombie-themed DJ sets and other entertainment to keep you in the mood. Make up stations will be on site during the day, but we’d love people to turn up already zombified - we want to see your rotting corpses!Zombies will be especially welcome at British Sea Power’s live accompaniment of Man of Aran and Winged Migration. Then there’s more undead fun with zombie movies from from dusk till dawn in the Film4 Cinema Tent, featuring two of the ‘…Dead’ films by zombie movie legend George A. Romero, John Carpenter’s haunting The Fog and Sam Raimi’s cult horror-comedy classic, Evil Dead II. And if you feel like strutting your undead stuff, you can shuffle over to the zombie disco in Big Chill Nights.Throughout the weekend smaller events will be taking place, including a zombie battle of the bands, an undead fashion show, zombie weddings and a zombie rave. If you want to take part in any of these events let us know, either by emailing us or come and say hello at our Zombie HQ by the Film4 Cinema Tent.Zombies will also be particularly welcome at the Dereliction Drive-In, a post-apocalyptic drive-in cinema where you can join graffiti gurus Pete Fowler and Kid 30 in pimping your undead ride. Chill out to mixes from beyond the grave from Monsterism, Hexstatic and Osymyso, or add your own ghoulish sounds to the mix with our AudioBoo crew.The culmination of the weekend’s life and death antics with be the ceremonial burning of the zombie on Sunday night - a 20m wooden effigy of living death itself!It’s going to be amazing, join us and bring out your undead!

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