New comedy series Home Time comes to BBC Two. Written and starring Emma Fryer as a girl who returns home to Coventry 12 years after having running away to find her place in the big wide world. Aged 17, Gaynor Jacks ran off to find her place in the big wide world, but now aged 29 she's back with her tail between her legs. She returns to Coventry, home to her mum and dad's house, and home to her three best friends.Gaynor can't hide forever in her bedroom, she must crawl back into her old life, suffer the gleeful sympathy of her friends and ill-judged parental intrusions. All played out in front of old flames and adversaries Gaynor never thought she'd see again and underscored by the smirking cries of "see you're back then". Begins Monday Sept 14th on BBC2
Gemma Arrowsmith plays Tina C. in a new BBC2 sitcom 'Home Time'. Begins Monday Sept 14th on BBC2
11th September 2009