Andrew Hunter Murray Featured on 'Ents 24 Rising Comedy Stars' list!

26th July 2017

Andrew Hunter Murray Featured on 'Ents 24 Rising Comedy Stars' list!Andrew Hunter Murray Featured on 'Ents 24 Rising Comedy Stars' list!

We are thrilled to announce the fabulous Andrew Hunter Murray has been listed on 'Ents 24' list of the 20 comedy stars who are rising in popularity the fastest!

"Gaining notoriety through his backstage work on BBC’s QI and his award winning podcast,
No Such Thing As A Fish, Andrew sold out his debut show at the Edinburgh Fringe last
year and he’s done it again this year! Expect intelligent observations played out through
extreme characterisations"

See who else is on this list here:

Buy tickets to see Andrew perform at the Edinburgh Fringe in 'Austentatious' :

Listen to the QI 'No Such Thing as Fish Podcast :