A Quick Chat With… Cariad Lloyd

18th July 2016

It looked like Cariad Lloyd wouldn’t have room left on her CV for anything else. The writer, actor, improviser, comedian and Master Shipbuilder (okay, we lied about that last one) has starred in shows ranging from Crims, Murder in Successville, I Want My Wife Back, Peepshow and Crackanory to CBBC’s DNN and a special edition of Drunk History: UK. Award-winning and prolific on stage she’s one of the creators of Austentatious: The Improvised Jane Austen Novel and Cariad & Paul: A Two Player Improvised Adventure. (Want to know more? Visit herwebsite!)

But now, to top it all, she’s one of our guest tweeters for the TV Drama Writers' Festival on Monday (18th July). Yep, Cariad will be reporting from the frontline so ahead of that assignment we caught up with her to talk Miley, Moomins and comedy…

To read her full chat with BBC's Gavin Collinson, head over to HERE
Head over to @bbcwritersroom to catch Cariad live tweeting for the TV Drama Writerss Festival all afternoon!